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Friday, October 25, 2013

Discover the most beautiful places in Albania with wonderful images, history, hotels, restaurants, entertainment places

Through this applikacioni AVR invites you on a virtual trip to Albania
Discover the most beautiful places in Albania with wonderful images , history , hotels , restaurants , places of entertainment and various activities in the natural by English Tourism Map, any user of this CD will be able to navigate through the cities of our country and get various information about them .
This program works like Face Book application and any information provided illustrated with images and text can do Meanwhile invite and share from within the program to different cities .
A truly indispensable guide to know our country better , with 3D map Albania posing as a microcosm and a photo gallery of the most interesting points of Albania .
English Tourism Map is a program I built and adapted to be easy to use , with simple guidelines .
This program can be used by any age .
The Face Book app https://apps.facebook.com/albaniantourismmap/?fb_source=bookmark_apps&ref=bookmarks&count=0&fb_bmpos=2_0 can be used by tourists to archaeological sites , cultural and historical . program also has a large amount of photos of Albania .
For tourists who want to visit every part of Albania , the program provides information about extreme sports , previously unexplored places illustrated with photos , activities such as hunting , skiing , water sports , diving , mountaineering , parachuting jumps , kajaki , cave exploration , etc. ..
This gives you the opportunity produkut interoperability with instructions having an interactive map and making this trip even more attractive .
And will also find a road map to update ed recently .
AVR wishes you a good trip .

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