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Friday, July 31, 2015

Albania Monastery of Ardenica, a mix of culture, history, religion and tourism places to visit in 2015

monastery of ardenica

Monastery of Ardenica, a mix of culture, history, religion and tourism  

The Monastery of Ardenica is a precious relict monument of Albania’s cultural mosaic, inherited by a period when Catholicism as a religion and culture was dominant in the country.  It is thought that this medieval monastery established in 1282 by the Byzantine Emperor Andronik II Paleolog after winning the war against Berat city.
monastery of ardenica3
The monastery was built in the ruins of an old pagan temple which was constructed to honor Goddess Artemisa. But the monastery itself was named after the Goddess which was thought to protect the agricultural activity of the land, known as Maria Hyjlindi.
In the northeast of the monastery, tourists can visit the old statue of Saint Triada Hat and the church of Saint Maria. It is characterized by byzantine-orthodox architecture with wood roofs and flat ceilings. The first restoration of this monastery was made in 1743 by the Berat city bishop, Metodi.
monastery of ardenica34
The old building is surrounded by other old constructions which are thought to have been part of a small city center. It is of a huge importance for the history of Albania since it was chosen by Albanians’ national hero Scanderbeg to hold his matrimonial ceremony on April 21st, 1451 in the presence of Albanian Princes and ambassadors of Napoli, Venedic, Raguza,ect.
monastery of ardenica2
Situated only 10 kilometers from Fier southern city in the Ardenica hills and 237 m above the sea level, this monastery is a mosaic of history, culture and religion mixed together and inherited in church icons and paintings.
monastery of ardenica
monastery of ardenica 2
Photo credits: Nentor Oseku
- See more at: http://invest-in-albania.org/monastery-of-ardenica-a-mix-of-culture-history-religion-and-tourism/#sthash.XTKASait.dpuf

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Estate 2015, le mete mare alternative: la sorpresa è l’Albania

Estate 2015, le mete mare alternative: la sorpresa è l’Albania

A rimpiazzare le destinazioni in calo ci sono due mete mare in forte ascesa: Portogallo e Albania, quest’ultima la vera novità dell’estate 2015

Il turismo nel Mediterraneo sta vivendo un’estate turbolenta. Vivono una frenata delle prenotazioni alcune mete che per anni sono state i capisaldi delle vacanze, come la Grecia, per cui pesa il periodo di incertezza economica, ed Egitto e Tunisia, alle prese con una difficile situazione interna. «Il Nordafrica ha subito un calo del 30% delle prenotazionirispetto allo scorso anno, mentre le ultime vicende della Grecia hanno fatto sì che numerosi clienti si orientassero su altro. I viaggiatori hanno quindi cominciato a richiedere ai nostri consulenti nuove destinazioni da scoprire» conferma Gianpaolo Romano, amministratore delegato di CartOrange, la più grande azienda italiana di consulenti di viaggio. A rimpiazzare le destinazioni in calo ci sono due mete mare in forte ascesa: Portogallo e Albania, quest’ultima la vera novità dell’estate 2015.
3824_Albania_webCartOrange ha inserito da un anno l’Albania nel suo catalogo “Viaggi nel Tempo”, dedicato ai turisti che intendono unire alle spiagge anche attività culturali. «Noi definiamo l’Albania l’ultimo segreto d’Europa–spiega sempre Romano–. L’antica Illiria è una meta low cost che rivela spiagge splendide e un patrimonio culturale tanto ricco quanto sconosciuto.E oggi è un paese sicuro e attrezzato per accogliere i turisti». Si può esplorare anche in autonomia, e infatti CartOrange propone un fly & drive che tocca le antichità classiche e bizantine di Butrinto eApollonia, la città di Berat patrimonio dell’Unesco, DurazzoSaranda, e Argirocastro. Non solo cultura: spiagge e calette rocciose non ancora toccate dal turismo di massa e meraviglie naturali come la sorgente di Syri i Kaltër, “l’occhio blu”.
La durata consigliata per l’itinerario storico-culturale è di minimo 8 giorni e la quota base individuale parte da 1.220 euro. È possibile anche realizzare un tour di 5 giorni nelle tappe più importanti e concludere abbinare un soggiorno mare, ad esempio nella zona diKsamil (dove si trova Bora Bora Beach). Per i clienti più esigenti che vogliono approfondire la conoscenza culturale, è stata pensata laformula fly&guide che accompagna i visitatori attraverso un tour con guide altamente specializzate e archeologi locali http://www.meteoweb.eu/2015/07/estate-2015-le-mete-mare-alternative-la-sorpresa-e-lalbania/473266/

Cape of Rodon: A castle, a clean coastline and an ancient legend It is the biggest cape in Albania and a “kept-secret” place

cape of rodoni

Cape of Rodon: A castle, a clean coastline and an ancient legend

Cape of Rodon is a strip of land bordered by the Adriatic Sea in the east and the Lalezi bay in the south. It is the biggest cape in Albania and a “kept-secret” place – until the past years when a group of young people built a social camp (but the beach is public for use) and they named it “Atlantid beach”. The cape is untouched by the human hand and is situated in a rocky ground and clay hills which surround the entire terrain of it.
Photo credits: royaldelezaj (Instagram)

The legend
According to the locals, the history of the cape and its name is linked with an old legend which says that “Redon was the official God of the Illyrian state and its portrait got immortalized as painting in temples and as symbol in coins used by Illyrians at those times.” Another legend suggests that “Redon was the Illyrian Sea Deity,” according to the Illyrian mythology.
The cape shelters an old castle which is known as “Scanderbeg’s castle”. According to the historians, the Skanderbeg’s Castle it is believed to be built by Scanderbeg in the mid-14th century and after his death the castle was administered by the Holy See of Vatican, in 1500. The castle was surrounded by four catholic monasteries, characterized by a Roman-Gothic architecture.
kalaja e rodonitPhoto credits: marli_artspace (Instagram)

Photo credits: alban.jovani (Instagram)

Tourism in this area has been developing in slow steps in the past years and the Cape of Rodon has been one of backpackers’ preferable destination since it is a virgin and not-much visited beach. The seaside is full of small bays comprised by rocks that characterize Cape of Rodoni’s coastline. Divers discover a new underwater world into the waters of Adriatic sea in Cape of Rodon. As mentioned above, a group of young people have voluntarily established “Atlantid beach”- a modest beach bar and a number of small private tents.
Photo credits: aldahaxhia (Instagram)
Nowadays, the cape is included in the touristic guides of Albanian and international travel agencies and the number of foreign tourists that visit the cape is higher than the number of Albanians visiting it.
ScreenshotutuPhoto credits: raelvashabanaj (Instagram)

cape of rodoni
Photo credits: aldahaxhia (Instagram)
Photo credits: onabono (Instagram)

Photo credits: karskakatarzyna (Instagram)
Photo credits: Instagram  / Colours of Albania
- See more at: http://invest-in-albania.org/cape-of-rodon-a-castle-a-clean-coastline-and-an-ancient-legend/#sthash.XtDqvbFL.dpuf

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Sazani Island opens to tourists for the first time

Once a military basis, the last discovered island inside the Albanian borders, the Sazani Island has opened to tourists as a new touristic spot. The curiosity to visit the island has attracted 130 first tourists which visited it in its first official opening day on July 25th. The day after, the island welcomed 140 new tourists from Albania and Kosovo.
sazani island
Months ago, Primer Edi Rama had announced the transformation of Sazan military basis into a touristic, historic and cultural destination for Albanian and foreign tourists as the novelty of this year’s tourism season. The government decided the island to be self-funded by applying an entrance fee for all tourists who want to enter and visit it.
sazani island riviera Albania
This measure, according to the Director of National Agency of Coastline Auron Tare, will be applied with the aim at collecting revenues which will be used for managing and maintaining the island. The revenues collected by the tourist fee will also fund the establishment of a touristic center and a research scientific center.
“It is of a big importance that the island is self-funded since all the money collected from the entrance fee will be invested in restoring and maintaining the island,” declared Auron Tare.
News source/photo credits: ATA
- See more at: http://invest-in-albania.org/sazani-island-opens-to-tourists-for-the-first-time/#sthash.YpUFbE6k.dpuf

Monday, July 27, 2015

Ishulli i Sazanit pret anijën e parë turistike me 119 vizitorë

TIRANE, 27 Korrik/ATSH/- Ishulli i Sazanit ka pritur edhe anijën e parë turistike.
Ishulli i Sazanit është hapur për turistët vendas dhe të huaj si një destinacion turistik historik e natyror. Duke nisur nga dita e shtunë 25 korrik, ky ishull që deri tani ka qenë bazë ushtarake, ka nisur të presë vizitorët e parë. Projekti për ishullin ishte prezantuar me herët nga Kryeministri Rama si një nga risitë e këtij sezoni turistik, ndërsa Ministri i Zhvillimit Ekonomik, Turizmit, Tregtisë dhe Sipërmarrjes Arben Ahmetaj, gjatë një turi me gazetarë në Sazan, deklaroi se korriku do të ishte muaji kur ishulli do të hapej për turistët.
Dita e shtunë shënoi ditën e parë zyrtare për Sazanin, si destinacion i rëndësishëm turistik, ku një grup prej rreth 130 turistësh dhe të rinjsh nga vendi vizituan ishullin. Agjencia Kombëtare e Bregdetit, e cila do të jetë përgjegjëse për administrimin e ishullit gjatë sezonit turistik, së bashku me forcat ushtarake prezente, ka raportuar se gjatë ditës së diel mbi 140 turistë nga Shqipëria, Kosova dhe të huaj kanë zhvilluar ture në ishull, shoqëruar nga guidat turistike. Projekti për hapjen e Ishullit të Sazanit ka më shumë se një vit që është konceptuar dhe për të është punuar se bashku me Konservatorin Litoral Francez. Hyrja për turistët do të jetë në portin e Sazanit, ndërkohë që Agjencia Kombëtare e Bregdetit shumë shpejt do të përfundojë hartimin e një Rregulloreje përkatëse, ku do të bazohet administrimi turistik i Ishullit të Sazanit.

Sipas Drejtorit të Agjencisë Kombëtare të Bregdetit, Auron Tare, të ardhurat e mbledhura do të përdoren vetëm për Ishullin e Sazanit, për menaxhimin e zonës, për hapjen e qendrës së vizitorëve dhe për qendrën kërkimore shkencore që synohet të ngrihet. Nga 25 korriku, ishulli do të jetë i hapur përgjatë gjithë sezonit turistik për këdo që ka kuriozitet ta vizitojë atë. Drejtori i Agjencisë Kombëtare të Bregdetit thotë se hapja e ishullit është realizuar me një koncept për ta shndërruar në një qendër të eko-turizmit dhe të turizmit kulturor, ku vizitorët mund të vijnë për të parë në miniaturë një vend të mrekullueshëm, por që për vite ka qenë i izoluar. Në një farë mënyre, një lloj alegorie e Shqipërisë komuniste e cila ishte një vend jashtëzakonisht shumë i bukur por, gjithmonë një vend i izoluar, i rrethuar me tela me gjemba, me bunker etj. Pra, ky është si të thuash koncepti, kur ti vjen edhe rizbulon të kaluarën tënde apo të kaluarën e prindërve dhe të gjyshërve të tu, të cilën ti nuk e njeh”, - thotë Tare. “Sigurisht dhe për vizitorët e huaj kjo do të jetë një mundësi e jashtëzakonshme për të kuptuar sa do pak Shqipërinë e luftës së ftohtë, por dhe për të parë natyrën e mrekullueshme që ka Sazani”, - shton ai. Tare kërkon që vizitat të bëhen me grupe të vogla dhe jo të mëdha, sepse sipas tij është ende herët, kryesisht sa i përket infrastrukturës dhe për të mos krijuar një impakt ndaj zonës. Ndërkohë, hyrja do jetë vetëm në portin e Sazanit, pra në asnjë vend tjetër. Po kështu, përqark ishullit të Sazanit zona është zonë e mbrojtur detare dhe deri në një distancë të caktuar anijet nuk e kanë të drejtën dhe nuk duhet të afrohen, sepse ka një ekosistem shumë të brishtë nënujor. Qeveria e ka ndarë mendjen që të nxjerrë të ardhura nga hapja e ishullit dhe thotë se ka vendosur që të jetë me vetëfinancim ndaj do ketë biletë hyrjeje për çdo person që shkon në Sazan. “Do të caktohet edhe një biletë hyrje, sepse ne mendojmë që është shumë e rëndësishme që ishulli të vetëfinancohet. Të gjitha të ardhurat do t’i dedikohen vetëm ishullit, ku pastaj do të përdoren për restaurimin, për hapjen e qendrës së vizitorëve dhe për qendrën kërkimore shkencore që ne duam të themelojmë këtu dhe për menaxhimin e zonës”, - thotë Tare duke mos treguar sa do të kushtojë bileta. /a.b/noa.al/ - See more at: http://www.noa.al/mob/index.php?type=artikull&id=506468.html#sthash.UYonRuE1.dpuf

Sunday, July 26, 2015


“Not all those who wander are lost.” J.R.R. Tolkien
If ever there was a time to plan a trip to Albania, it’s now. As we explored the south of Europe, we started hearing more and more about this Mediterranean gem but the word on the street or the internet, rather, could not have been more confusing. So we wanted to find out for ourselves. The truth is, Albania is amazing and here are the top 10 reasons to visit Albania now!
Saranda, Albania
Saranda, Albania
1. Undiscovered non-tourist Mediterranean destination
Sure, visiting the famous landmarks around the world like Eiffel tower or Vatican can be fun, but why not go somewhere completely different and be the first one to discover the most amazing gems before thousands of tourist descend. Following years of communist regime and its ultimate collapse in the early 1990’s, Albania is in the midst of a major facelift offering thousands of years of history and natural beauty. Thus, while others navigate the overcrowded streets in neighboring Greece or Italy, Albania offers plenty of peace and quiet enjoyment, local lifestyle, untouched nature and pure pleasure of having all the amazing treasures pretty much to yourself.
Saranda, Albania
Saranda, Albania
2. Phenomenal weather 
Located in the south of Europe, right across the Adriatic Sea from Italy and neighboring to the south with Greece, Albania features gorgeous Mediterranean climate all year long, with warm summers and mild winters, especially along the coastline. Can you feel the warm breeze caressing your cheeks?
Saranda, Albania
Saranda, Albania
3. Pristine beaches
Albania features hundreds of miles of immaculate coastline and a rich offering of sandy and pebble excitement. Plenty to choose for you beach lovers. Most importantly the beaches, especially those to the south close to Saranda and Ksamil, feature amazing turquoise, crystal clear water and are simply irresistible. No matter how much you like the sun and getting your tan on, I promise you will not resist a refreshing dip in those crystal clear blues.
Ksamil, Albania
Ksamil, Albania
4. Stunning mountain ranges
Are there any more beautiful places than those with both the sea and the mountains? Well, Albania has both and plenty of it. There are two large European mountain ranges which dominate Albania: the Dinaric or Albanian Alps to the north and Pindus Mountains also referred to as the “spine of Albania” stretching all the way from the north to the south of the country and reaching over 2000 m above sea level. The mountain ranges feature breathtaking glacial and alpine lakes, as well as, a diversity of natural beauty. Plenty of joy for your claiming or skiing adventure.
Gjirokastër, Albania
Gjirokastër, Albania
5. Archeological and UNESCO wonders
As if the beautiful weather and phenomenal geographic scenery were not enough, there is also something for a history buff and archeological explorer in you. Considering Albania’s close proximity to Greece, it is not surprising to find abundantly rich and captivating archeological sites, castles, UNESCO heritage sites and ancient history throughout Albania. The current archaeological discoveries point to the early Iron Age B.C. displaying intriguing remains of Byzantine and Ottoman Empire. Did I mention having it all to yourself? (see #1)
Butrint, Albania
Butrint, Albania
6. Delicious food
With the glorious coastal location, Albania offers delicious selection of fresh seafood from octopus to squid, mussels, shrimp and fish prepared in variety of ways. You will also enjoy phenomenal freshly grilled pork, chicken and well-seasoned juicy stake. All that in a garden-fresh company of organic fruit and veggies from the local market. Yummy…
Fresh salad & fried mussels
Fresh salad & fried mussels
7. Feels wonderful for your wallet
As a developing country, Albania offers prices you will not see anywhere in Europe, especially not in the Mediterranean. You simply cannot beat the lodging prices. A beautiful, new and modern apartment for a family of four, stunning sea view, fully equipped kitchen and in the center of the city  – all that starting at $35 per night. And local food, oh so good. Enjoy a huge gyro for lunch at a whopping $1.30 per person or seafood dinner for two that may set you back $15. Feeling rich yet?
Relaxing and inexpensive
Relaxing and inexpensive
8. Friendly Locals
The people of Albania are warm and welcoming. They are excited to see their country transform and welcome visitors from around the world. We had a great time making new friends in Albania, from our bus driver, to shop and restaurant owners and many locals met on the street. Despite the word on the internet, most of the people we met spoke English and few that didn’t were game for some hand gestures and Google translator fun! Albanians are helpful, easygoing and excited to welcome the world.
Meeting local shepherd
Meeting local shepherd
9. Safe and tolerant
We were not sure what to expect when arriving in Albania, so we were very excited to feel freedom and safety. The country is extremely religiously tolerant with Christianity and Islam peacefully co-exiting side by side. When visiting Albania you will hear the call to prayer and see the crowds filling up the Catholic and Orthodox churches at the same times. Locals are friendly and family oriented. Whether you use public transportation or enjoy evening out, you will have a peace of mind.
Evening in Saranda
Evening in Saranda
10. Great investment opportunityYes, I know. Most of us don’t pick vacation destinations to do business, but…aren’t we all dreaming of this amazing vacation spot to call home? Unfortunately, unless you are a millionaire, most of the breathtaking, warm-weather, sea-view destinations are probably out of reach, but not in Albania. The country is developing quickly and offers plenty of investment opportunity allowing foreigners to purchase delightfully affordable sea view properties without much hassle. These coastal apartments with a million dollar sea views start as a low as $50,000. Feeling fabulous yet?http://www.travelme.world/europes-last-secret-the-top-10-reasons-to-visit-albania-now/