IMPORTANT NEWS,,,,,, tomorrow at 10.00 WILL GIVE officially WE WILL KEEP TIRANA OPEN AIR on December 21,22,23,,,,,,,,,,,,, where we remember the program On 21 December, in order to challenge the end of the world if time is optimal will be fly with paramotor over Tirana, and at 16.00 starts pilots to come to hotel accommodation Aurelis Gjokaj (front Megatech) .... you Remember that the opening ceremony is at 19.00 in the hall Amfitheater room in Dajti Expres up in Mount Dajti, live in Ora News so far from one cat 5 is washable, opinion will change if the ratio changes, ,,,
Tirana Program Open Air, the second edition of the Albanian National Championship in paragliding (precision) stage 4,,,,,,,,,,,,,, is confirmed by the federation that the program will be the same as expected. To reduce the country pilots will make you know just inform us. Be part of this activity .....
dated December 21, from 17.00 to 18.00 o'clock pilots coming from outside Tirana, hotel Aurelis (in Rinas overpass, facing Megatech) at 19.00 in the opening ceremony in Sheraton Imperial cinema, 21.00 o'clock dinner Sheraton, 22.30 clock round for red bull to Daily Bar (former Davisdov) 23.30 photo of all participants in one of the squares of Tiranes.ora 23.47 depart to hotel
dated December 22, at 09:30 AM departure Dajti Express for mal.ora 10.30 Briefing on the stage of the cable car up, the opening of the sails in the area of the former pioneer camp, at 11.30 windows open, beginning flights, at 13, 00 bus from the reduction to Dajti Express, at 14.00 noon up grill, red bull, 14.30 continuation flutrurimeve, 16.00 closing of flight, at 18.00 by bus for Dajti Express and dinners up to Balcony Tirana, at 22.00 discount below and return to the bar Capriccio for red bull.ora 23.07 depart to hotel
dated December 23, at 09:30 AM departure Dajti Express for mal.ora 10.30, the opening of the sails in the area of the former pioneer camp, at 11.30 windows open, early flight, at 13.00 by bus from place The reduction to Dajti Express, at 14.00 noon up grill, red bull, 14.30 continuation flutrurimeve, closing 15.00 and departure flights for Dajti Express awards ceremony we Dajt, at 17.00 deduction for Tirana and picture Official winners Skanderbeg monument.
LAJM I RENDESISHEM,,,,,,NESER NE OREN 10,00 DO JAPIM NE MENYRE ZYRTARE NE DO MBAHET TIRANA OPEN AIR NE DATA 21,22,23 DHJETOR,,,,,,,,,,,,, ku kujtojme programin per daten 21 Dhjetor, per te sfiduar fundin e botes nqs koha eshte optimale do te kete fly me paramotor mbi Tirane, dhe ne oren 16,00 fillon akomodimi i piloteve te ardhur tek hotel Aurelis ne Gjokaj (perballe megatech)....ju kujtojme se ceremonia e hapjes eshte ne oren 19,00 ne sallen Amfitheater room ne Dajti Expres lart ne malin e Dajtit,,,,live ne Ora News deri tani nga 5 mace njera po lahet,opinioni do ndryshoje ne rast se raporti ndryshon,,,,,
Program i i Tirana Open Air,edicioni i dyte i Kampionati Kombetar Shqiptar ne paragliding (precizion) etapa e 4,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Me eshte konfirmuar nga federata qe programi do jete i njejti si ishte parashikuar. Per vend uljen e piloteve do ju bejme te ditur sapo te na informojne. Behu edhe ti pjese e ketij aktiviteti.....
- dt 21 dhjetor,ora 17,00-18,00 ardhja e piloteve nga jashte Tirane,ne hotel Aurelis (ne mbikalimin e Rinasit,perballe megatech) ora 19,00 ceremonia e hapjes ne kinemane Imperial ne Sheraton,,ora 21,00 darka ne Sheraton,ora 22,30 vajtje per red bull tek Daily Bar (ish Davisdov) 23,30 fotografi e te gjithe pjesemaresve ne njerin nga sheshet e Tiranes.ora 23,47 nisja per hotel
- dt 22 Dhjetor,ora 09,30 nisja me Dajti expres per ne mal.ora 10,30briefing ne ambientet e teleferikut lart,hapja e velave ne fushen e ish kampit te pioniereve,ora 11,30 windows open,fillimi fluturimeve,ora 13,00 me autobuz nga vendi i uljes drejt Dajti expres,ora 14,00 dreka lart grill,red bull, 14,30 vazhdimi flutrurimeve,16,00 mbyllja e fluturimeve,ora 18,00 me autobuz per ne dajti expres dhe darka lart tek Ballkoni i Tiranes,ora 22,00 zbritje poshte dhe vajtje tek bar Capriccio per red bull.ora 23,07 nisja per hotel
- dt 23 Dhjetor,ora 09,30 nisja me Dajti expres per ne mal.ora 10,30,hapja e velave ne fushen e ish kampit te pioniereve,ora 11,30 windows open,fillimi fluturimeve,ora 13,00 me autobuz nga vendi i uljes drejt Dajti expres,ora 14,00 dreka lart grill,red bull, 14,30 vazhdimi flutrurimeve,15,00 mbyllja e fluturimeve dhe nisja per Dajti Expres per ceremonine e cmimeve ne dajt,ora 17,00 zbritja per Tirane dhe fotografia zyrtare e fituesve tek monumenti i Skenderbeut.
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