02/10/2012 was discovered a Roman settlement in the area Pocestës in Korca district. There was a joint Albanian-French expedition, what has made it possible, in the detection of the former Lake Maliq, this settlement, which is thought to be the Roman period, and the first to third century BC. Archaeologists have found in this area, the remains of pottery vessels, stone loom, and other trappings of ceramic, which provide information on the lifestyle of the inhabitants of this period. Responsibility Korce archaeological museum, Petrika Lera, has described this discovery as important enough such, which is added to the archaeological map, very rich in Korçë. According to him, the Roman settlement, is testimony to the continuity of life in the area that stretches along the former Lake Maliq, ranging from prehistoric to Roman periods.
Korca region is one of the richest archaeological regions of the country, which until now have been discovered over 100 different periods settlements.
Korca region is one of the richest archaeological regions of the country, which until now have been discovered over 100 different periods settlements.
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