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Friday, September 21, 2012

Gjinari Resort - One of the most beautiful areas that may not yet have discovered - natural gem rural Elbasan

  Pren Toçi on Wednesday, 19 September 2012. Posted in Destinacione
Gjinari turistik - Një nga zonat më të bukura që ndoshta ende s'e keni zbuluar
In one of the most interesting sections of the magazine, where you discover unknown Albania, this time we offered an area more than anyone, know the locals, its inhabitants, due to the deep location in the highlands of Portland. But from now on, you can learn beauty Gjinarit, Zavalinës, slope, names perhaps read for the first time, but you can visit closely to recognize the breach of this beautiful province in the heart of the country.Description for this area, and this time they have done (better than anyone), the natives themselves, a dedicated teacher, who knows every inch of land, and a passionate photographer who loves his country, to the leaf small ...In the southeast Manchester lies Shpati area. Mountainous part of the province, starting shfati Shelcan to Jeoronisht, called First slope and consists of two municipalities: Gjinar of Zavalinë.Tourist spots Gjinar (Fushkuqe 24 ha) has been declared as such by VKMnr.5, dt.21.05.2001 but its connection with paved roads to the city of Elbasan 22 km, makes it more functional and accessible for every tourist.

Photos of selected landscapes and folk costumes from Gjinari.  

As soon as you are driving in village Derstilë, Felt Bush typical characteristic aroma that is on the street, and after a few minutes, to come into consideration beautiful landscape with pine trees, the more you approach the center of the municipality, the more you become picturesque. They add to the beauty of this landscape are squares (often in the form of pit) 900 - 1000m above sea level, which according to geography, were created millions of years of continuous ice slides.On a beautiful sunny day (immediately after rain), on the west by the sea clearly Sazani to Kavajë. Well, fresh winds carrying salt air of the coast, come here and combined with the freshness full of pine oxygen, make fantastic curative value to each them or will stop here. Anyone who tries coming here only once, no need to be extended with descriptions, because there are too many other mysteries to discover who is leaving for surprises.But the slope is not only a country with beautiful nature, which cures. Here there are many objects of historical and cultural value, it is worth to visit during your trip.Church Shënkollit in Shelcan: Built in the Middle Ages and painted by Onufri 1554. There are paintings on the wall (as Stefan Popës "Albanian medieval painters" 1961): Christ with three figures, Romamoj Meladhoj etc..Church Shënepremtes wave: It was built in the Middle Ages and painted the whole wall sites (murals) by Onufri (1554) in the Byzantine style. According S.Popës (1961) are portraits Platter (St. Mary), St. Germanoi of Constantinople, Dhiakon Laureti, St. Grigor Theollogu, Kryedhiakon Stefani, Picture of the birth of Christ in the cave, etc.. Byzantine wall paintings are accompanied by stories of that time.Tomb Kostandin Shpataraku (Ogës) waves: Painter icon in the six churches of central Albania, from 1736 until 1767. Some icons mentioned (S. Popa, 1961) are: Healing Islokut, icons of Christ, the "Karl Topis" "St. Mary". Constantine martirizohet by Ottoman forces with cutting head, 100 m west of Namazgjasë - Elbasan. Buried secretly by fellow home wave. Since then until today commemorate every year on 21 September, the self-proclaimed shejtor (Shane Constantine).Derstilat craft shfatin Dërstilë. This mechanism works with the force of the water. Ruan completely secular authenticity. Processes (by beating diving) woolen fabrics made in the loom (loom). With those prepared Guna, velenca (wool blankets double-layer), carpets ........ visitor surprised not only by its function, but also rabushi can learn in the workplace.Giant oaks as he Lleshanit. Once, according to legend. Dushku large Gjinarit, near the village church.Giant oaks in Pashtresh, near the village church, to remind us of the League of Prizren years. Mirnjohur historian elbasanas Hysni Myzyri, quotes a document of the year 1885 "Hysen Ceka, wearing suit shpatarakësh, through the hill slope, gathered in the shade of the trees shepherds villagers, donate a primer and taught literacy (reading PT) "Learning English went through the large family dinner. In 1900 opened the first wave Albanian school and in 1908 completed the opening of schools across the slope, Zavalina in Shtermen (area in which operating bands Ymer (Constantine Dervish). Additional information may be found in museum education slope near High School "Constantine Shpataraku" with director passionate teacher of history Philip Bërdufi.Olympic Games: In the days of the first week of June of each year, natural Stadium Lugshkurt Olympic games developed with broad participation from the Elbasan. Also developed folk festival, fairs seater products, traditional dishes in gjelltore, etc..It was a piece of the slope, which offers generous, hospitable people laugh, as elsewhere in Albania, beautiful outdoor recreational wonderful costume, colorful, beautiful girls and boys laugh, and above all an experience unforgettable journey ...http://www.albaniantravel.info/AlbanianTravel/destinacione/item/gjinari-turistik-nje-nga-zonat-me-te-bukura-qe-ndoshta-ende-s-e-keni-zbuluar

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